Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

The Compotision of Swift Nest.

As we know the many benefits of swallow nest. Because in the nest swiftlets are abundant bermnafaat the contents are for our bodies.Swallow's Nest drop composition of which are qualitatively using Gaz Chromatographic (GC). Identifying the composition comprising chain oligosaccharides, and its structure in combination with Glycoprotein. Glycoprotein components in it contains sulfate oligosaccharides attached to a circuit in the Polypeptide. Then, other qualitative findings, is using HPLC method. The composition of these oligosaccharides its links consist of D-arabinose,D-mannose ,N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and the content of essential amino acids.

swift nest found some content therein, namely: contains 50-60% protein, 25% carbohydrate and 10% water. Chemical constituents of swallow nest in Semarang research showed the highest content of organic chemicals found in proteins and carbohydrates 50.757% 18.307%.

White swallow nest containing N-acetylneuraminic acid. The chemical composition ratio of red and white swallow nest for fat (0.14% - 1.28%), ash (2, 1% - 2.1%), carbohydrate (25.62% -27.26%) and protein (62-63%), and found that the red nests containing protein ovotransferrin.

Ovotransferrin is a glycoprotein of albumin (egg white). Transferrins is an iron-binding protein. Amino acid difference with white nest nest nest red red shows some amino acids have a higher than white nests, such as serine, valine, aspatic, thereorine, isoleusine, leusine.

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