Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Techniques to create a nest swiftlet

every living thing on dasaranya choose a place to live, breed a safe and comfortable.More comfortable and safe place, it will increase swiftlet population. Swiftlet house is making technique by considering some important aspects before setting up swiftlet house is familiar with the original environment swallow, swallow study favored areas, determining the location swallow, and creates the conditions in the building or the house itself which is swallow a very important factor.

Bird's natural habitat is in the natural caves as a place to breed population. Place in accordance with the swiftlet habitat temperature between 27-29 Celsius, humidity 75% - 90%, close to where he was looking for food, safe from predators, sheltered from the wind, sun and rain. Light of the swiftlet house shall not exceed the equivalent of 2 fc 2 candles.

Environment that is often used to establish land swiftlet house is in an area of ​​marshland and streams because usually in this area which is a lot of flying insects swallow food, fertile agricultural land with good irrigation systems, with lowland maximum height 600 meters, areas free of both air and noise pollution due to pollution caused by human activities can disrupt the tranquility swallow. 

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