Sabtu, 27 April 2013

How To Overcome Garbage in School

Lots of garbage piled up garbage in our schools. We must manage the garbage so that does not interfere with our activities during the school day. Garbage is an unwanted waste material after the end of a process.Based on the source of garbage  can be divided to 6 are natural garbage, trash consumption, human garbage, nuclear garbage, industrial waste and mining garbage. 
By its nature garbage can be divided to 2: 
Organic waste, which is waste like leftover perishable foods, vegetables, dried leaves, and so on. This garbage can be turned into compost.
An-organic garbage, that is not easily decompose garbage, such as plastic food packaging containers, paper, plastic toys, bottles and drink cups, cans, wood, and so on. This can be used as trash bins or commercial waste products to be sold . Some inorganic waste that can be sold are plastic food packaging containers, bottles and glasses former beverage, cans, glass, and paper, whether newspaper, HVS, and cardboard
Based on its shape

Trash is either solid or liquid material which is no longer used and discarded. According to the waste form can be divided as:
Solid garbage
Solid garbage is any waste material other than feces, urine and liquid waste. May include household waste: kitchen waste, garden waste, plastic, metal, glass and others. According to the waste material is classified into organic and inorganic waste. Organic waste is waste that comes from goods that contain organic ingredients, such as vegetable scraps, animal, paper, pieces of wood from household appliances, bits of twigs, grass on garden clean up time and soon.

Based on the ability parsed by nature , it can be subdivided into:
  • Biodegradable is  the trash that can be perfectly described by the process of either aerobic or anaerobic biological, such as kitchen waste, animal remains, waste and plantation agriculture.
  • Liquid waste is a liquid material that has been used and do not need to use again and dumped into landfills 
 How to manage our school garbage is:
  • Distinguish between organic and an-organic waste.So we can recycle the an-organic garbage that it's can't broken down by decomposers. 

  • Make a poster that people can disposeof waste in place. So, every people an remember that they must dispose the rubbish in the right place to save our world.  
  • Reuse, recycle, reduce the garbage

With both methods, the more we can save the world and also make us more comfortable to move because we were not bothered by the smell caused by the garbage piling up around our school

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